"Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind." ~Plato
The other day I was sharing with a friend the numerous things in my life that were not going as I had intended. I used to label these things as problems or ‘bad’ things, but I now know that they are opportunities to learn. I did tell my friend, “I am really happy in life and I don’t need any more opportunities to learn.” But, alas, I know that is not how things work here on Earth School. It is the challenges in life that provide us with the greatest opportunities to learn and grow. We are presented with challenges and we get to choose how to react and respond. After the fifth challenge in a short amount of time, I said to my friend, “What else can go wrong?” She replied that I didn’t want to ask that question because the Universe could provide me with lots more things to go wrong. She told me to ask myself, “What else can go right?” She was absolutely correct that I needed to reframe my thinking. I know that thoughts become things and my negative thoughts would just breed more negative challenges. My mind tends to ruminate and when I go down that cynical path, I continue to focus on everything that is wrong in life. However, just changing from the negative way of looking at life to the positive has made a huge difference. When I start to catch myself going down the path of negativity, I stop, pause and acknowledge all of the things that are going right in my life – I have my health, wonderful friends, a great house, delicious food and spectacular weather. There are tons of things going right. Thinking about all of the abundance in my life puts a smile on my face and brings an appreciation for all I have and gratitude into my life. Then I start to notice all of the good things in my life and I let go of the vicious negative cycle. Lots of things happen in life that we may view as ‘bad,’ but it is my mind and thoughts that create suffering. It is my responsibility to change my reality by changing my thoughts and by focusing on all that is right in my life. Do you ever spiral down the ‘Woe is Me” path and look at all of the things that are not going as you desired? If so, what can you do to break out of the negative pattern? What else can go right in your life?
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5/23/2018 10:06:21 am
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Peggy Steffens is an artist and Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor My goal is to build a community with like-minded individuals who want to grow, share and learn from one another. Please post comments to enrich the experience for all.
April 2020