“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly, be that kind of a friend for your friends." ~ Mark Twain
I retired after thirty years in education. I thought I would have tons of free time to do everything I wanted to do. However, I feel busier than I did when I was working with my art, meditation instruction and practice, volunteering and daily life activities. I realized several years ago that I couldn’t say yes to all of the social and other opportunities that came my way. I am busy and I do socialize, however I have come up with criteria about what I will say yes to when an opportunity comes my way. You will need to determine your criteria, but tor me at this stage of my life, spirituality and creativity are my focus of attention. Therefore, if an opportunity comes along, I think about whether it will enhance me creatively or spiritually. If it doesn’t, I say, “No, I am unable to do that.” I used to think that I had to explain why I couldn’t do something and give a reason, but I have learned from the experts that I just need to say no without an explanation and detach from caring what others think about my answer of No. It wasn’t easy initially, for the pleaser in me, to say no, but with more practice I have gotten better and stronger at saying no. I am still busy, but I am doing things that nurture my soul with like minded-people on a spiritual and creative path. Do your friends support or belittle your ideas and plans? Are you able to say No? Do you have criteria for when to say Yes or No?
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Peggy Steffens is an artist and Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor My goal is to build a community with like-minded individuals who want to grow, share and learn from one another. Please post comments to enrich the experience for all.
April 2020